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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Will Form 1120 C Employment

Instructions and Help about Will Form 1120 C Employment

Now this is a complicated topic, so we're going to be trying to do this in a series of stages here today, exploring different aspects of the topic as we go along. We're first going to start with a simple description of how the corporate income tax works today and then lay out what we see as being its most basic flaws. Then, we'll look at some of the other proposals that are put forward to try to reform the system and show that while some of them have some merit, they really aren't enough to fix the underlying problems that we've identified. So, then we'll turn to the proposal that you and I worked so hard on, set forth some of its provisions, and then describe why we think it does fix those flaws and the economic benefits that it will bring to the United States. And then, try to say a few words about what the prospects might be for Congress and the president to actually do something both in the short run and in the long run. So, I guess we should start by just explaining how the corporate income tax works today, okay? Thank you, Alan. Now, it's been a great pleasure for me to work on this project. I've learned a lot, and I think it's very important that the public understand what the problems are. It's one of the biggest issues in our tax system now, and one of the least well understood. So, we'll give it a go. So, I'll first start by talking about what the corporate tax is. The corporate income tax is the third largest revenue source in our federal tax system. It raises a little over ten percent of federal revenues, about two percent of gross domestic product, and...